ABN 38 062 883 357
Member of Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW): Membership No. 208814
Member of Resolution Institute (RI): Membership Number 22214
Cecilia holds degrees in law and social work and dispute resolution, and qualifications in community work and vocational training and assessment. She works as a registered family dispute resolution practitioner, provides workplace dispute resolution and conflict management services, and contracts as a social work assessor and vocational trainer. In December 2012, Cecilia completed the Master of Dispute Resolution with Distinction at Charles Sturt University, with a focus on mediation, family dispute resolution and workplace dispute resolution. Please email for further information or to discuss employing Cecilia as a mediator, trainer, conflict manager or workplace consultant.
Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Social Work (Hons), Master of Dispute Resolution, Dip.Community Services (Welfare), Cert. IV Training and Workplace Assessment, Graduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching In Higher Education.
Click here to email Cecilia
